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Video SANA

May, 2017

  • 16 May

    Syrian Arab Republic’s delegation presided by Bashar al-Jaafari arrives at UN HQ in Geneva

  • 15 May

    Statement of the Army’s General Command on establishing stability to al-Qaboun area and the nearby farms

  • 15 May

    Stability and security restored to al-Qaboun area after achieving a settlement agreement

  • 15 May

    Tenth batch of militants get out of al-Waer neighborhood in Homs

  • 14 May

    The 14th National Conference of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party

  • 14 May

    Damascus Countryside Governor inspects the examination process of the Basic Education stage

  • 14 May

    Ministers of Higher Education, Tourism and Agriculture tour al-Zabadani and Bloudan areas

  • 14 May

    The Syrian Arab Army establishes control over Maqale’ al-Mshairfeh in the eastern countryside of Homs

  • 10 May

    Ninth batch of al-Waer neighborhood gunmen get out heading to Jarablus city in Aleppo countryside

  • 10 May

    Damascus University honors a number of martyrs’ family members in Damascus-based Opera House