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Video SANA

July, 2017

  • 4 July

    Damascus Countryside Governor tours Qudsaya area

  • 4 July

    First Syrian Investment Forum

  • 2 July

    Press conference by Minister of Education

  • 2 July

    Press conference by Governor of the Central Bank of Syria (CBS)

  • 2 July

    Local Administration Minister and Damascus Governor visit site of car bomb explosions at the Airport Road roundabout

  • 2 July

    The authorities destroy two car bombs at the Airport Road roundabout area in Damascus

  • 2 July

    Army units restore security to area stretching from the east of Khanser to the north of al-Rasafa-Athrya axis in Aleppo

  • 2 July

    People injured in terrorist bombing of al-Ghadir Square in Bab Touma in Damascus

June, 2017

  • 30 June

    A reception at South Africa’s Embassy in Damascus on occasion of National Day

  • 29 June

    Cham Wings Airlines runs first flight to Yerevan