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Video SANA

October, 2017

  • 23 October

    Army secures the arrival of families from al-Mayadeen city to Deir Ezzor

  • 23 October

    Homs Governor tours al-Qaryateen town

  • 23 October

    New batch of Naval Academy students graduated

  • 23 October

    SANA’s camera tours in al-Qaryateen city after eliminating ISIS terrorism from it

  • 22 October

    Syria, Iran sign MoU on developing cooperation and coordination between their armies

  • 22 October

    SANA camera tours al-Mayadeen City

  • 21 October

    Army personnel narrate details of the battle of liberating al-Mayadin from ISIS terrorists

  • 21 October

    Funeral ceremony of Major Gen. Issam Zahir El-Din to his last resting place in Sweida


  • 18 October

    Mikdad: Behavior of Turkish regime contradicts its expected adherence to Astana

  • 18 October

    Gen. Freij meets Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Army