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Video SANA

November, 2017

  • 26 November

    Authorities find weapons, US-made ammo left behind Daesh in Deir Ezzor

  • 26 November

    Families of the wounded and martyrs of the workers at Radio and TV honored

  • 25 November

    Technical Services Workshops follow up rehabilitation work in Deir Ezzor neighborhoods

  • 24 November

    Culture Ministry launches event of “Culture Day, to enhance awareness about life”

  • 23 November

    A Concert by orchestra of Solhi Al-Wadi Institute of Music at Drama Theater

  • 22 November

    Syrian Arab Army regains control over al-Boukamal city

  • 21 November

    President al-Assad holds summit meeting with President Putin in Sochi

  • 21 November

    Participatory experience in Syria succeeds in protecting children without family care

  • 21 November

    Special screening of “Fires” Film at Cinema City in Damascus

  • 20 November

    Ammo and lab for manufacturing toxic substances found at Daesh dens in Deir Ezzor