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Video SANA

December, 2017

  • 15 December

    Musical evening at Dar Al Assad for Culture and Arts saluting Singer Zaki Nassif

  • 15 December

    Preparations of Syrian choirs to celebrate Christmas


  • 15 December

    Sit-in before UN office in Damascus in protest of Trump decision on al-Quds

  • 15 December

    Press conference by Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari in Geneva

  • 15 December

    Weapons and ammunition seized in Daesh hideouts in Homs countryside

  • 15 December

    Arms and advanced communication means, left by Daesh, found in Deir Ezzor

  • 14 December

    Al-Khouri to SANA: The “opposition” delegation hinders Geneva talks

  • 13 December

    Syrian Arab Republic delegation arrives in UN HQ in Geneva

  • 13 December

    A stand in Deir Ezzor city in protest against Trump’s decision on al-Quds

  • 11 December

    Presidents al-Assad and Putin meet at Hmeimim base