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Video SANA

July, 2018

  • 15 July

    Weapons, telecommunication devices and shells left behind by Daesh terrorists found in al-Boukamal countryside

  • 15 July

    Tens of displaced families from Daraa western countryside receive support at Jbab temporary housing center

  • 14 July

    Citizen Service Center opened at Literature Faculty, Damascus University

  • 14 July

    Villages and towns in Daraa western countryside start to restore normal life after eliminating terrorism

  • 13 July

    Technical preparations underway ahead of 60th Damascus International Fair

  • 13 July

    Units of Syrian Arab Army hoist the national flag over Daraa al-Balad area

  • 12 July

    National flag raised over Tafas city in Daraa countryside

  • 12 July

    Weapons left behind by terrorists discovered in Daraa eastern countryside

  • 11 July

    Scores of families return to their homes in Alma town in Daraa countryside after liberating and securing it by army units

  • 11 July

    Army liberates Gharaz area to the southeast of Daraa completely, finds US-made weapons left behind by terrorists