Home / Provinces News / Aleppo (page 21)


January, 2020

  • 18 January

    Terrorists still prevent civilians from reaching corridors in countryside of Aleppo, Idleb

    Aleppo/Idleb, SANA_ For the 6th consecutive day, the terrorists continue to prevent those who wish to leave the terrorist-infested areas via the humanitarian corridors in Abu al-Dohour, al-Habit in Idleb …

  • 12 January

    Terrorists target Aleppo Int’l Airport, al-Nairab Military Airport, Minyan with shells

    Aleppo, SANA_ Terrorist organizations targeted with rocket shells the vicinity of Aleppo International Airport, al-Nairab Military Airport, houses and vital facilities in Aleppo western countryside. SANA reporter said that the …

December, 2019

  • 17 December

    Number of civilians wounded in terrorist attacks on al-Zahra town, northwest Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA- A number of civilians were injured when the terrorist organizations fired rocket shells on al- Zahra town, northwest Aleppo. A source at Aleppo Police Command told SANA reporter …

  • 9 December

    2 martyred, others injured due to terrorist rocket shell attack on western Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA_ Two civilians were martyred and two others were wounded in a terrorist rocket shell attack on Minyan village in Aleppo western countryside. A source at Aleppo Police Command …

  • 8 December

    Armenian Catholic Cathedral of Our Mother of Reliefs reopened in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA_ The Armenian Catholic Cathedral of Our Mother of Reliefs was reopened on Saturday in al-Telal neighborhood in the old city of Aleppo after restoration and renovation works to …

November, 2019

  • 11 November

    6-year-old girl martyred due to terrorist rocket attack on neighborhoods of Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA_ A 6-year-old girl martyred due to terrorist rocket attacks on the residential neighborhoods of Seif al-Dawla, al-A’zamiyeh and al-Hamdaniyeh in Aleppo. SANA reporter said that terrorist organizations positioned …

  • 8 November

    Three injured in terrorist shell attack on residential neighborhoods in Aleppo

    Aleppo, SANA_ Three civilians were injured due to terrorist attack with shells on al-Hamadaniyah and Halab al-Jadyidah neighborhoods in Aleppo on Friday. A source at Aleppo Police Command told SANA …

October, 2019

  • 19 October

    Centuries-old al-Saqatiyah souk re-opens, announcing return of former way of life

    Aleppo, SANA_ A centuries-old al-Saqatiyah souk (market) was re-opened recently in the old city of Aleppo after the completion of restoration works and repairing the damages caused to its shops …

  • 4 October

    Cotton Festival resumes activities in Aleppo again

    Aleppo, SANA_ The annual Cotton Festival resumed activities this year after it was stopped for eight years due to the terrorist war on Syria. The 57th Cotton Festival kicked off …

September, 2019

  • 27 September

    Marathon in Aleppo within activities of 1st day of World Tourism Day Festival

    Aleppo, SANA_ The activities of the World Tourism Day Festival under the title “Tourism and job opportunities … a better future for all” kicked off in Aleppo on Friday and …