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Breaking News

July, 2018

  • 20 July

    SANA’s reporter in Jaba corridor in Quneitra countryside: Buses transporting terrorists who refuse settlement start exiting from Um Batina village in preparation to evacuate them to northern Syria 

    SANA’s reporter in Jaba corridor in Quneitra countryside: Buses transporting terrorists who refuse settlement start exiting from Um Batina village in preparation to evacuate them to northern Syria

  • 19 July

    SANA reporter: Buses carrying locals of the towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa in Idleb countryside start to arrive in Talet al-Eis corridor in Aleppo southern countryside

    SANA reporter: Buses carrying locals of the towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa in Idleb countryside start to arrive in Talet al-Eis corridor in Aleppo southern countryside

  • 18 July

    SANA reporter in Daraa: Armed groups in Daraa al-Balad area hand over a tank, an armored vehicle, and a 23mm machinegun to the Syrian Arab Army

  • 18 July

    SANA Reporter: Tens of busses and ambulances enter the terrorist-besieged towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa via Talet al-Eis corridor in Aleppo to evacuate the locals

    SANA Reporter: Tens of busses and ambulances enter the terrorist-besieged towns of Kefraya and al-Fouaa via Talet al-Eis corridor in Aleppo to evacuate the locals

  • 18 July

    SANA reporter: Terrorist groups attack with rocket shells al-Baath city in Quneitra

    SANA reporter: Terrorist groups attack with rocket shells al-Baath city in Quneitra

  • 17 July

    Military source: Army units liberate al-Mal town and Tal al-Mal in Daraa northwestern countryside

    Military source: Army units liberate al-Mal town and Tal al-Mal in Daraa northwestern countryside

  • 16 July

    Sama TV correspondent in Quneitra Mustafa al-Salameh martyred as a result of mortar round fired by terrorists on Tal Masahara

  • 16 July

    Military source: Army units, backed by allied forces, liberate the village of Mas’hara and Tal Mas’hara in Quneitra countryside, killing scores of terrorists and destroying their arms.

  • 13 July

    Foreign Ministry sends letter to the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UNSC on the aggression carried out by the illegal Coalition against the Syrian citizens in the towns of al-Baghouz Fawqani and al-Soussah in al-Boukamal countryside

  • 12 July

    SANA’s reporter in Daraa: Units of Syrian Arab Army enter Daraa al-Balad area and hoist national flag over the main square