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Provinces News

November, 2022

  • 9 November

    Three young women from Damascus Countryside master the art of Mandala drawing  

    Damascus, SANA- Their passion for painting and their high artistic sense have pushed Aya Nour, Ranim al-Mahmoud and Makarem Zarzar, three young women from al- Ruhaybah City in Damascus Countryside, …

  • 9 November

    31 new facilities enter labor market in Adraa Industrial City this year

    Damascus countryside, SANA- 31 new food, engineering and chemical industrial facilities have entered the labor and production market in the industrial city of Adraa in Damascus Countryside bringing the total …

  • 6 November

    A child injured in terrorist rocket attack in Hama northern countryside

    Hama, SANA-A girl child was injured in Shatha town in Hama northern countryside due to terrorist shelling attack on the town. SANA reporter in Hama said that terrorists affiliated to …

  • 5 November

    Security operation to eliminate remnants of Daesh terrorists in Daraa, resumed

    Daraa, SANA- A security source announced Saturday that the security operation to eliminate the remnants of Daesh terrorists in Tariq al-Sad neighborhood in Daraa resumed after it was stopped to …

  • 2 November

    Service facilities rehabilitated in 43 schools in Daraa countryside

    Daraa, SANA- The Syrian Arab Red Crescent branch in Daraa continues to rehabilitate the service facilities in 43 schools in Daraa countryside. Head of the Red Crescent branch, Dr. Ahmed …

  • 2 November

    QSD militia forcibly seizes 60 apartments, threatens their owners in Qamishli

    Hasaka, SANA- The US occupation-backed QSD militia has continued to tighten the noose on civilians in their areas of deployment, as it has seized dozens of apartments under construction in …

October, 2022

  • 25 October

    Setting files of the wanted in Douma and other towns in Eastern Ghouta starts

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- The settlement process of the wanted in a number of towns in eastern Ghouta and Adra al-Balad in Douma area and its surroundings, Damascus countryside stared within the framework of the settlement agreements proposed by …

  • 24 October

    Hasaka Governor, WFP delegation discuss cooperation

    Hasaka, SANA- Hasaka Governor Louai Sayouh discussed Monday with Representative of the World Food Program (WFP) in Syria, Kenneth Crossley and the accompanying delegation boosting joint cooperation in bakeries, agriculture, …

  • 24 October

    Southern Corniche in Lattakia

  • 23 October

    Explosions at US occupation base in al-Omar oil field

    Deir Ezzor, SANA-Several explosions hit Saturday evening at the US occupation base in al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor eastern countryside. Local sources told SANA reporter in Deir Ezzor that …