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June, 2021

  • 13 June

    After years of hiatus, farmers of Sheikh Miskeen re-cultivate their lands

    Daraa, SANA- Amid facilitations provided by the authorities concerned and after years of hiatus due to terrorism, farmers in Sheikh Miskeen City in Daraa Province have started to cultivate their …

  • 12 June

    His wounds sprout Wheat…Ali Mohsen example to be followed in determination

    Hama, SANA- “Terrorists did not know that when they targeted my body in a car bomb, they bombed the springs of my energy and strength as my iron leg has …

  • 11 June

    Conclusive evidence shows US involvement in training and arming terrorists to carry out attacks in Syria

    Damascus, SANA- The Syrian Military Public Prosecution reiterated that occupation of large areas of Syrian territory by the US and establishment of military bases and airports constitute a military aggression …

  • 8 June

    Melodies from the North.. An evening by the Syrian Heritage Music

    Damascus, SANA- The heritage of the north and the artistic creativity of its sons attended as a summer breeze in a Damascene evening during which the traditional melodies that shaped …

  • 7 June

    Turkish regime continues Turkification of occupied Syrian regions

    Damascus, SANA -The Turkish regime went ahead in its practices and crimes against the Syrians that aim to Turkify areas which it occupies in Syrian territories. Local sources in Idleb …

  • 6 June

    Turkish Mafia Leader unveils involvement of Erdogan’s relative in supporting al-Nusra in Syria

    Dubai, SANA- Turkish Mafia Leader, Sedat Bakr has continued revealing the involvement of a close circle to Head of the Turkish Regime, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and members of his party …

  • 6 June

    Times newspaper: Qatar supported, financed “Jabhat al-Nusra” with millions of dollars

    London ,SANA- The British Times newspaper revealed about a lawsuit filed to the Higher Court in London against Sheikhdom of Qatar on supporting the terrorist organization of “Jabhat al-Nusra” in …

  • 3 June

    Turkish occupation mercenaries excavate antiquities in Afrin region to smuggle them to Turkey

    Aleppo, SANA- Turkish occupation mercenaries continued their organized criminal practices against the Syrian heritage, as they started new excavations for antiquities under direct Turkish intelligence supervision in the occupied Afrin …

  • 2 June

    New scandals reveal Erdogan arming al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Syria

    Damascus, SANA- Scandals of the Turkish regime and the secrets of its close relation with terrorist organizations in Syria, including al-Qaeda, continue to uncover via videos published by Turkish mafia …

  • 1 June

    Culture Minister: diversity is Syria’s distinguished feature

    Damascus, SANA-The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, sponsored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2005, and ratified by …