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Reality of Events

December, 2019

  • 31 December

    Locals in Hasaka countryside suffer continued criminal acts by Turkish occupation, its mercenaries

    Damascus, SANA- Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries of terrorist organizations have continued their criminal attacks and practices against the locals in Hasaka countryside and imposed a siege on Ras …

  • 30 December

    Terrorists killed in battles launched by Syrian Army to liberate areas in Idleb southeastern countryside (photos)

    Idleb, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units have cleared tens of towns and villages in Idleb southeastern countryside from terrorist organizations, killing scores of terrorists from Daesh (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra …

  • 30 December

    Erdogan’s regime continues to invest in terrorism, transfers terrorists from Syria to Libya 

    Capitals, SANA- The Turkish regime has found a new way to invest in terrorism to serve its Ottoman expansionist illusions in the region through transferring its mercenaries and terrorists from …

  • 29 December

    Turkish occupation mercenaries flee from areas in Hasaka and Raqqa countryside for fear of being sent to fight in Libya

    Hasaka, SANA – Areas where terrorist mercenaries of the Turkish occupation are positioned in Hasaka and Raqqa countryside are witnessing the flight of tens of those terrorists for fear that …

  • 29 December

    Weapons, ammunition, and explosives left by terrorists found in Southern region

    Damascus, SANA- The competent authorities found amounts of weapons and ammunition, some of which are US and Israeli-made, in addition to amounts of narcotics left behind by terrorists in the …

  • 28 December

    Army units thwart terrorist attack near Jerjnaz and al-Tehh

    Idleb, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units operating in Idleb’s southeastern countryside on Saturday thwarted an attack by terrorist groups in the area between Jarjnaz and al-Tehh, inflicting heavy losses …

  • 28 December

    SANA camera escorts army soldiers in al-Helba town in Idleb countryside after liberating it from terrorism – PHOTOS

    Idleb, SANA – SANA’s camera escorted Syrian Arab Army soldiers in al-Helba town in Idleb’s southeastern countryside after liberating it from terrorism. Photos by: Issa Hammoud

  • 28 December

    Material damage caused due to terrorist rocket attack in Lattakia countryside

    Lattakia, SANA- Terrorist organizations positioned in Idleb southwestern countryside on Saturday fired rocket shells on Salago village in Lattakia countryside, causing material damage. SANA reporter said that a rocket shell …

  • 28 December

    SANA camera escorts army soldiers in al-Sarman town in Idleb countryside after liberating it from terrorism

    Idleb, SANA-SANA camera escorts army soldiers in al-Sarman town in Idleb countryside after liberating it from terrorism Mazen

  • 27 December

    Material damage caused due to terrorist rocket attack on al-Qardaha city, Lattakia

    Lattakia, SANA- Material damage was caused to a house due to a terrorist rocket attack on al-Qardaha city in Lattakia. SANA’s reporter said that terrorists fortified in hotbeds at administrative …