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Reality of Events

February, 2020

  • 9 February

    Army regains control over tens of villages, towns and strategic hills in Idleb, Aleppo countryside, Army Command says-video

    Damascus, SANA- Army and Armed Forces General Command has announced that units of the Syrian Arab Army operating in Idleb and Aleppo provinces regained, over the past few days, control …

  • 8 February

    Army units advancing from Aleppo countryside meet units advancing from Idleb southeastern countryside at al-Eiss hill – PHOTOS

  • 8 February

    Saraqeb town after its liberation from terrorism – PHOTOS

  • 8 February

    Army units continue to advance in several towns and villages in Idleb and Aleppo countryside

    Idleb, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units continued their operations against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in several directions in Aleppo southern countryside and Idleb northeastern countryside, advancing in several villages and …

  • 8 February

    Syrian Arab Army units complete dismantling explosives and landmines left behind by terrorists in Saraqeb city

    Idleb SANA- SANA’s reporter said Saturday that Syrian Arab Army units completed operations of dismantling explosives and landmines left behind by terrorists in Saraqeb city after expelling terrorism from it. …

  • 7 February

    Army liberates Maharim and Tal Karatin villages in Idleb countryside

    Idleb, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units continued their operations against terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and groups affiliated to it in Idleb’s eastern countryside, liberating the villages of Maharim and …

  • 7 February

    Syrian army liberates Zitan, Barna, Huwait al-Ees, and Abad villages in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units on Friday expanded their control in the southern countryside of Aleppo after intensive operations that resulted in the liberation of of Zitan, Barnah …

  • 7 February

    A person injured in explosion of IED planted in car in al-Fahamah area , Damascus.-

    Damascus, SANA- A person was injured in IED blast planted in a car by terrorists in al-Fahamah area in Damascus. A source at Police Command told SANA reporter that an …

  • 6 February

    The army enters strategic city of Sarakeb, dismantle mines

    Idleb, SANA-Units of the Syrian Arab Army entered on Thursday the strategic city of Sarakeb in Idelb Eastern countryside from many directions and started acts of dismantling mines and bombs …

  • 6 February

    The army destroys dens of terrorists in Aleppo countryside

    Aleppo, SANA-Units of the Syrian Arab Army continued on Thursday their military operations against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists on the axis of Khalsa-Qala’Jiah villages, targeting positions of terrorists in Andan and …