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Arab, International

February, 2015

  • 26 February

    Bogdanov meeting Haddad: Need for a political solution for crisis in Syria through dialogue

    Moscow, SANA – The political solution for the crisis in Syria, including Russian efforts for continuing consultative meeting between the Syrian government and opposition in Moscow, were on the table …

  • 25 February

    Moscow strongly condemns attacks on civilians

    Moscow, SANA-Moscow strongly condemned on Wednesday all attacks on civilians, particularly those which are perpetrated for “religious or ethnic reasons”, affirming that Russia will continue its firm stance in supporting …

  • 25 February

    Clark: We appreciate Syrian people’s heroic struggle against terrorism

    Damascus, SANA- Presidential political and media advisor Buthaina Shaaban met on Wednesday a number of US activists, led by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark who listened to a detailed …

  • 25 February

    Former U.S. Attorney General: Damascus is bustling with activity, media distorted facts on Syria

    Damascus, (SANA) – Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark said that media outlets have distorted facts on Syria, and that this was motivated by politics and political differences. During a …

  • 25 February

    More unidentified drones spotted over Paris Tuesday night

    Paris, SANA- Unidentified drones flew over Paris for a second consecutive night, police said on Wednesday. The latest sightings follow a series of incidents at French atomic plants last year …

  • 25 February

    Two Turkish fighter jets crash, killing four pilots

    Ankara, SANA -Two Turkish warplanes crashed on Tuesday in the central province of Malatya, killing all four crew. Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala confirmed that four soldiers were killed in …

  • 25 February

    Patriarch Laham condemns ISIS atrocities against civilians in Hasaka

    Beirut, SANA – Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Patriarch Gregorios III Laham condemned the brutal crimes committed by terrorists against innocent civilians in the countryside …

  • 24 February

    Turkish Party leader: Policies of AKP towards Syria built on mistakes

    Ankara, SANA- Joint leader of the Turkish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP), member of the parliament Selahattin Demirtas said the policies of the government of Justice and Development Party (AKP) towards …

  • 24 February

    Al-Jaafari: Some states continue backing terrorism in Syria and region due to inability of UN to question terrorism sponsors

    New York, SANA-Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said the strict respect of the UN Charter, on top of which the principles of respecting states’ sovereignty, territorial integrity, …

  • 23 February

    Patriarch Yaziji: We rely on the Russian role to push towards political solution to crisis in Syria

    Moscow, SANA-Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and All the East for Rome Orthodox said on Monday that Syria relies on the Russian role to push towards dialogue and political …