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Arab, International

March, 2023

  • 24 March

    5.6 magnitude earthquake jolts central Iran

    Tehran, SANA- A magnitude-5.6 earthquake on the Richter scale struck on Friday Khoy city in West Azerbaijan Province, central Iran, no casualties reported. According to sources affiliated to Iran’s Seismological …

  • 23 March

    Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian army’s fuel depot in Zaporozhye area — top brass

    Moscow, SANA- Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian army’s fuel depot in the Zaporozhye Region over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor …

  • 22 March

    Lavrov: Supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium is escalatory step

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov warned against the consequences of Britain’s supplying depleted uranium shells to Kyiv’s regime. “The UK’s shipment of depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine would …

  • 22 March

    Austrian Foreign Minister: Russia will always play a role in European future

    Vienna, SANA – Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg STRESED THAT Russia will continue to have a role in European future, underscoring that to think otherwise was delusional. “Russia will not …

  • 22 March

    Black Sea Fleet repels drone attack on Sevastopol, says governor

    SEVASTOPOL,SANA-  Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has repelled a surface drone attack on Sevastopol, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev reported on his Telegram channel on Wednesday. “Our fleet repelled a surface drone attack …

  • 22 March

    23 Palestinians arrested in the West Bank

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Israeli occupation forces arrested on Wednesday 23 Palestinians in different areas in the West Bank. Palestinian media reported that the occupation forces stormed several neighborhoods in Nablus …

  • 22 March

    Earthquake kills at least 13 in in Afghanistan and Pakistan

    Kabul, Islamabad, SANA- At least 13 people were killed and more than 90 injured in Pakistan and Afghanistan after a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck late on Tuesday. At least nine …

  • 21 March

    Russia and China: We support Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity

    Moocow, SANA- Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping affirmed their countries’ support to Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. “Russia and China support Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and …

  • 21 March

    Putin, Xi holding talks with delegation members

    Moscow, SANA- Russian President Vladimir Putin and visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping have begun their talks in the Kremlin. The Russian delegation includes Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council …

  • 21 March

    US obsessed with idea of dealing strategic blow to Russia, says envoy

    Washington, SANA- The United States has been causing the geography of the Ukrainian crisis to expand and it turns a blind eye to the corrupt Kiev regime, Russian Ambassador to …