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Syria expresses disgust over shameful stance of Qatari rulers in support of triple Western aggression on it

Damascus, SANA –Syria expressed disgust over the shameful stance of rulers of Qatar Sheikhdom in support of the triple western colonial aggression on Syria and allowing fires of the venomous …

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Army General Command:US, British and French aggression with 110 missiles on Syrian targets, air defense downs most of them

Damascus, SANA- the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces stressed Saturday that most of the missiles fired by the US, Britain and France tripartite aggression on Syrian targets …

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Syria condemns the US, British and French aggression on the country

Damascus, SANA- An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said Saturday that Syria condemns with the strongest terms the tripartite US, British and French aggression on Syria as …

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The morning of Syria is stronger than their terrorism … The Syrians challenge the aggression, Photo report

Damascus, SANA-SANA reporters affirmed that life is normal in Damascus and other Syrian cities.            

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Syrian Air defense confronts the US, French and British aggression on Syria

Damascus, SANA-Syrian air defense confronted on Saturday a tripartite aggression launched by the US, France and Britain on a number of sites in the surroundings of Damascus and Homs. SANA …

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Army uncovers lab for making toxic materials and workshop for manufacturing shells in Eastern Ghouta

Damascus Countryside, SANA – During canvassing operations in the towns which were cleared from terrorism in Eastern Ghouta, Syrian Arab Army units found a large a lab for making toxic …

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‘White Helmets’: A window dressing organization of terrorists posing as humanitarians

Damascus, SANA-Attempts by backers of terrorism in Syria to lend humanitarian overtones to the so-called ‘White Helmets’ organization have been contradicted by evidence, facts and military developments on the ground, …

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Four civilians injured due to terrorist attack with shells on outskirts of Yarmouk Camp in Damascus

Damascus, SANA – Four civilians, two of them children, were injured by shells fired by Daesh (ISIS) terrorists on the outskirts of Yarmouk Camp in Damascus. A source at Damascus …

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Three more health centers ready for service in Eastern Ghouta

Damascus countryside, SANA- Health Ministry on Thursday put three new health centers into service in the towns of Ein Tarma, Hazzeh and Saqba in eastern Ghouta after the completion of …

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Syria, Russia to boost cooperation in economic and cultural fields

Homs, SANA- A Memorandum of Cooperation on economic and cultural fields was signed between Homs Governorate and Khanty-Mansiysk Region in Russia. The signature ceremony took place during the visit of …

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