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Syria and the World

December, 2014

  • 17 December

    Iran’s FM: It is Syrians’ right to determine their future

    Tehran, SANA-The Syrian people have the right to determine their future without foreign meddling in their internal affairs, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said. Speaking during a joint press …

  • 17 December

    DPRK Ambassador: Syrian people will achieve stability in the country

    Damascus, SANA-Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK ) Jang Myong Ho said Wednesday he is confident the Syrian people and army will achieve stability and security in the country due to …

  • 17 December

    Syrian-Iranian cooperation talks continue with Iranian parliament’s speaker

    Tehran, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi discussed with Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council Ali Larijani the current situation and prospects of bilateral relations between Syria and Iran. Talks during …

  • 17 December

    Abdullahian: Iran and Russia adopt strategies in supporting Syria and Iraq against terrorism

    Moscow, SANA – Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian stressed that Iran and Russia are seriously adopting strategies for supporting Syria and Iraq in combating terrorism, pointing out that …

  • 17 December

    Al-Halqi meets President Rouhani, relays message from President al-Assad

    Tehran, SANA – Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi on Tuesday met President of Iran Hassan Rouhani, relaying to him a message from President Bashar al-Assad on the development of bilateral relations …

  • 16 December

    Syrian-Iranian talks to reach new cooperation agreements

    Tehran, SANA – Syrian-Iranian official talks started Tuesday in Tehran co-chaired by Premier Wael al-Halaqi and Iran’s first Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri. The primary objective of the talks and meetings between both …

  • 16 December

    Lavrov: Inter-Syrian dialogue could begin by early 2015

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that what the Russian side has heard from most of those in the Syrian government and “opposition” with whom Russia held …

  • 16 December

    Syrian student awarded German DAAD prize out of 400 nominations

    Germany, SANA – A Syrian student has been awarded the prize of the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD) for excellent foreign students studying at German universities. Khaldoun Hmeisheh, who holds …

  • 16 December

    DPRK asks UN to add CIA violations of human rights to its agenda

    United Nations, SANA- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) demanded that the United Nations must add the violations committed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against detainees to …

  • 16 December

    EU expresses support to de Mistura’s plan in Syria

    Brussels , SANA – EU foreign ministers expressed their support to the plan of United Nations envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura and expressed readiness to cooperate with him to …