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Syria and the World

July, 2015

  • 28 July

    Nasrallah: Syria occupies major position in Resistance axis

    Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stressed the need for finding political solutions to the problems of the region and resisting the normalization with the …

  • 28 July

    Scientific cooperation between Damascus University and Polish Lodz Academy

    Damascus, SANA – Damascus University and Academy of Social Sciences in Lodz in Poland signed a scientific cooperation agreement that aims at upgrading joint cooperation in the fields of scientific …

  • 27 July

    Homs governor discusses with UNHCR delegation means to enhance cooperation in relief work

    Homs, SANA-Homs Governor Talal al-Barazi affirmed the governorate’s readiness to cooperate with international organizations and to facilitate relief work. During his meeting with Deputy Head of the UNHCR mission in …

  • 27 July

    Patriarch Yazigi calls for realizing peace in Syria and releasing abducted bishops

    Washington, SANA- Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East John X Yazigi reiterated his call for realizing peace in Syria and the region. “We are praying for realizing …

  • 27 July

    Iranian FM… Crisis in Syria should be solved through dialogue and without preconditions

    Kuwait, SANA- Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif asserted the necessity of solving the crisis in Syria through dialogue without preconditions and confronting the terrorist organizations in the region. Zarif’s …

  • 27 July

    Establishing a media system for fighting all types of terrorism, Information Minister says

    Damascus, SANA – Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi on Sunday stressed the necessity of establishing a media system which encompasses journalists from all countries with the aim of fighting all types …

  • 26 July

    National Forum for Peace in Syria calls for lifting the unfair economic sanctions on Syrian people

      Rome, SANA The National Forum for Peace in Syria called for restoring diplomatic relations between Italy and Syria and for lifting the unfair economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people. Restoring …

  • 26 July

    Nasrallah: Forces that supported terrorists lost control of them and are paying the price

    Beirut, SANA – Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said that the states and forces which had supported terrorists, brought them to Syria, and gave them funds, arms, …

  • 25 July

    Information Minister meets Egyptian and Jordanian delegations

    Damascus, SANA – Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi on Saturday met the Egyptian and Jordanian delegations participating in the International Media Conference Against Terrorism which was concluded today in Damascus. During …

  • 24 July

    Discussions with Russian official to boost oil and gas cooperation

    Damascus, SANA – Oil and gas cooperation between Syria and Russia and the prospects of Russian companies establishing vital investment projects in Syria were the focal points of discussion between …