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Syria and the World

September, 2023

  • 25 September

    Belt and Road… a Chinese initiative aims to boost cooperation among countries and end unipolar hegemony

    Damascus, SANA- The Belt and Road Initiative is an important Chinese economic development project that aims to develop and establish land and sea trade corridors linking more than 150 countries, …

  • 25 September

    President al-Assad’s visit to China affirms Syria’s commitment to owing its national decision_ Russian diplomats

    Moscow, SANA- Two Russian diplomats affirmed that President Bashar al-Assad’s visit to the People’s Republic of China is a sign of Syria’s adherence to its independent national decision, stressing that …

  • 25 September

    Syria, Brazil discuss enhancing bilateral relations in various domains

    Damascus, SANA-Interior Minister, Major General Mohammed al-Rahmoun, discussed with the Brazilian Ambassador in Damascus, André Santos, means of enhancing and developing joint cooperation in various fields, particularly in the security …

  • 24 September

    Iran, Jordan discuss several issues, including situation in Syria

    New York, SANA-  Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi discussed with his Iranian counterpart Hussein Amir Abdollahian several issues, including developments in the situation in Syria. Ammon News Agency reported that, …

  • 24 September

    Syria discusses humanitarian needs with UN and Red Cross

    New York, SANA-Syria and United Nations discussed aspects of cooperation between them and exchanged views on all challenges facing the country. That came during a meeting between Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh, …

  • 23 September

    President al- Assad and Mrs. Asma attend an official banquet held by Chinese President in honor of heads of delegations and leaders invited for Asian Games

    Beijing, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad and Mrs. Asma attended on Saturday an official banquet held by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan in honor of heads of …

  • 23 September

    In the presence of President al-Assad and First Lady,Mrs. Asma al-Assad, the 19th Asian Games opened in China’s Hangzhou

    Hangzhou, SANA-In the presence of President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady,Mrs. Asma al-Assad, the 19th Asian Games was officially opened on Saturday in China’s Hangzhou. Chinese President Xi Jinping, a …

  • 23 September

    Al-Shibl: Syrian-Chinese strategic relationship was built decades ago

    Hangzhou, SANA- Special Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, Luna Al-Shibl, stressed that the strategic relationship between Syria and China was built decades ago, hailing China’s role on the …

  • 23 September

    Foreign ministers of Astana guarantor states: Sanctions, terrorism remain major challenge facing Syria

    New York, SANA- Foreign ministers of Astana guarantor states, (Russia, Iran and Turkey affirmed that sanctions imposed by Western countries and the continued presence of terrorist organizations still represent the …

  • 23 September

    Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of UN adopts special declarations about coercive measures, food security

    New York, SANA- Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations, including Syria, issued a political declaration and three special statements on unilateral coercive measures, food …