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Syria and the World

May, 2017

  • 29 May

    Haidar: Progress in reconciliaitons wouldn’t have been possible without Syrian Army’s victories

    Damascus, SANA – State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali Haidar said that the increasing pace of reconciliations and their expansion across Syrian areas wouldn’t have been possible without the …

  • 29 May

    11 violations of Russian Memorandum on de-escalation areas registered in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- The Russian Defense Ministry announced Monday that 11 violations of de-escalation zones Memorandum were registered in Syria during the past 24 hours. The Ministry said in a statement …

  • 27 May

    Health Minister and WHO Director-General discuss cooperation

    Geneva, SANA – On the sidelines of the 70th World Health Assembly, Health Minister Nizar Yazigi discussed with the new Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom cooperation …

  • 27 May

    Syria demands immediate cessation of illegal attacks by US-led international coalition

    Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Saturday called for once again for the cessation of the US-led international coalition’s illegal actions, after the coalition’s warplanes targeted al-Mayadeen …

  • 27 May

    Syria strongly condemns terrorist attack on Egyptian pilgrims

    Damascus, SANA – Syria condemned the attack on pilgrims in Egypt’s Minya region on Friday that killed 29 people, including women and children, in addition to injuring 25 others. The …

  • 27 May

    Russian forces kill at least 120 ISIS terrorists; destroy 32 of their pickup trucks in Palmyra countryside

    Moscow, SANA- At least 120 ISIS terrorists were killed in the Russian Aerospace Forces’ airstrikes on an ISIS queue of vehicles which was heading from Raqqa to Palmyra. Russian Defense Ministry source said …

  • 26 May

    Yaizigi calls for immediate intervention to save Syrian and Palestinian captives in Israeli jails

    Geneva, SANA – The 70th World Health Assembly continued its activities at the UN HQ in Geneva by discussing the health situation in occupied Palestinian territory as well as in …

  • 26 May

    Munzer: Protecting civilians requires addressing conflict’s root causes of terrorism and sanctions

    New York, SANA – Deputized chargé d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation at the UN Munzer Munzer affirmed that protection of civilians requires addressing the real and root causes of conflict …

  • 25 May

    Yaziji: Coercive economic measures harmed the Syrian people livelihood and health sector

    Geneva, SANA- Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yaziji affirmed that the health sector in Syria stayed stable due to the strategy adopted by the Health Ministry to maintain the public health …

  • 24 May

    Syria wins a medal and five appreciation certificates at APMO

    Damascus, SANA – The team of the Syrian Science Olympiad won a bronze medal and five Certificates of Appreciation at the Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad (APMO) organized online by Mexico. …