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Syria and the World

July, 2021

  • 3 July

    Syria’s athletes at the end of their preparations…. Twenty days to opening Tokyo Olympics

    Damascus, SANA- Twenty days remain for opening of the most significant world sports event represented by Olympic Games which will be officially launched on July 23th and will last till …

  • 3 July

    Russian Defense Ministry: Al-Nusra terrorists with help of “White Helmets” fabricate chemical attack in Idleb

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry said that the terrorist organization of Jabhat al-Nusra with the help of “White Helmets” terrorists prepare to fabricate a chemical attack in Idleb. Deputy Head …

  • 2 July

    Belarusian Ambassador in Damascus: Syrians voted for their future and lives

    Damascus, SANA- Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Damascus, Yuri Sluka, said that the Syrians voted during the recent presidential election for their future, lives, and their desire to …

  • 2 July

    Lavrov : Western measures reason behind deterioration of humanitarian situation in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, said that unilateral coercive economic measures imposed by the West on Syria and the looting of its resources by the US are …

  • 2 July

    Transport Ministry to run flight to evacuate students and Syrian citizens stranded in India

    Damascus, SANA- The Transport Ministry announced that it will run a Syrian Airlines flight to evacuate students and Syrian citizens stranded in India on Sunday, 11th of July 2021 in …

  • 2 July

    Grosbic condemns Turkish regime’s practices in occupied areas in Syria

    Prague, SANA- Stanislav Grosbic, Vice President of the Czech Moravian Communist Party and Chairman of the Czech Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Syria, condemned the Turkish regime’s practices and the …

  • 1 July

    President al-Assad receives Lavrentiev, talks deal with strategic relations

    Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad received on Thursday Alexander Lavrentiev, the special envoy for president Vladimir Putin of Russia and an accompanying delegation. Talks during the meeting dealt with the …

  • 1 July

    Nebenzya: Transferring aid to Syria across borders violates international law

    New York, SANA- Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya has affirmed that Russia did not agree with transferring humanitarian aid to Syria across borders, as it constitutes a …

June, 2021

  • 30 June

    Moscow opposes draft resolution on opening a second corridor to deliver aid to Syria

    Antalya, SANA-Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, affirmed on Wednesday Moscow’s opposition to a new draft resolution submitted to UN Security Council on opening a second corridor for delivering assistance to …

  • 30 June

    Security council extends UNDOF mission in occupied Syrian Golan for 6 months

    New York, SANA- Security Council has unanimously extended the mission of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the occupied Syrian Golan for 6 extra months. The council extended …