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Syria and the World

October, 2021

  • 4 October

    Hmeimim air defense system downs a drone launched by terrorists

     Moscow, SANA – The air defense system in Hmeimim base downed on Monday a drone launched by terrorist organizations positioned in Idleb that was heading towards the base in Lattakia …

  • 4 October

    Lavrov calls for eliminating terrorism in Idleb

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, affirmed that the terrorist organizations in Idleb continue their attacks and must be eliminated completely. Lavrov, during a press conference with his …

  • 4 October

    Syrian students in Slovakia renew standing by homeland in war against terrorism

    Bratislava, SANA- Syrian students studying in Slovakia have renewed their standing by the homeland in its war against terrorism and its tools, and they underlined determination to continue their educational …

  • 4 October

    Syria, China discuss means to enhance joint cooperation at Expo 2020 Dubai

    Dubai, SANA- Means to enhance joint cooperation between Syria and China were the main points of discussion between Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Mohammad Samer al-Khalil and Zhang Shenfeng, …

  • 3 October

    Syrian and Russian Coordination bodies: illegitimate US presence in Syria is the main obstacle to returning to normal life in the country

    Damascus, SANA- Syrian and Russian Coordination bodies said that the Syrian government continues to make efforts to create the adequate conditions for the return of citizens to their homes, affirming …

  • 3 October

    The West distorted facts during terrorist war on Syria, British journalist Beeley says

    Damascus, SANA- The Western countries have practiced all forms of media disinformation during the past ten years of terrorist war on Syria through distorting facts and misleading the world public …

  • 2 October

    Syria, Donetsk People’s Republic to enhance industrial cooperation

    Damascus, SANA- Minister of Industry, Ziyad Sabbagh, discussed with Donetsk Industry Minister Vladimir Ruschak ways to enhance bilateral relations between the two countries and work to create a common ground …

  • 2 October

    Shoukry : Syria and Egypt maintain strong ties to  preserve the Arab nation security

    Cairo, SANA-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt ,Sameh Shoukry , stressed the significant role of Syria and Egypt in maintaining the Arab nation security , referring to his country’s determination …

  • 2 October

    Syria, Iran discuss economic and investment cooperation

    Dubai, SANA – Minster of Economic and Foreign Trade, Dr. Mohammad Samer al-Khalil, Iran’s deputy Minister for Tourism, Ali-Asghar Shalbafian met Saturday on the sidelines of Expo Dubai 2020” to …

  • 1 October

    Syria calls for ending the Israeli occupation of Syrian Golan

    Geneva, SANA – Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations’ Office and International Organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Houssam al-Din Ala, affirmed that Syria calls for the end of the Israeli …