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June, 2016

  • 6 June

    Russia denies alleged strike on market in Deir Ezzor

    Moscow, SANA-The Russian Defense Ministry denied on Monday media reports alleging that the Russian aircraft had launched a deadly airstrike on a market in Deir Ezzor province. Reuters reported earlier …

May, 2016

  • 20 May

    Russia: Continued infiltration of terrorists to Syria threatens cessation of hostilities agreement

    Moscow, SANA-Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu warned that the continued infiltration of terrorists belonging to Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS through the Turkish-Syrian border threatens the cessation of hostilities agreement in …

  • 14 May

    Larijani, Zarif: Badreddine martyrdom will strengthen resistance front

    Tehran, SANA- Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani underlined that the martyrdom of Commander Mustafa Badreddine will further reinvigorate the resistance will and power to fight the Zionist entity and the Takfiri terrorism. …

  • 4 May

    Russian Defense Ministry denies again Aleppo hospital shelling

    Lattakia, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry renewed on Wednesday denying reports by some media that the Russian air force shelled a hospital in Aleppo. Official spokesperson of the Russian Defense Ministry, …

  • 3 May

    Iran: Dialogue between Syrian government and real opposition groups is only way to resolve crisis in Syria

    Tehran, SANA – Dialogue between Syrian government and real opposition groups and the formation of a national government is the only way to resolve the crisis in Syria, Head of …

  • 2 May

    Updated-Lavrov discusses with Kerry political settlement in Syria

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed with his US counterpart John Kerry during a telephone call on Monday the political settlement of the crisis in Syria and commitment …

April, 2016

  • 22 April

    Russian Defense Ministry: Arms depot for ISIS found in Palmyra with over 12,000 explosives

    Moscow, SANA-Russian servicemen have discovered a large arms depot with more than 12,000 explosive devices belonging to ISIS terrorist organization on the outskirts of the city of Tadmur (Palmyra). “Russian …

  • 13 April

    A team of Russian experts prepare preliminary assessment of destruction in Palmyra

    Moscow , SANA- The Russian Foreign Ministry said that a team of Russian experts made a preliminary evaluation of the destruction in the archaeological city of Palmyra , adding that …

  • 13 April

    Churkin: Russia, China submit draft resolution to UNSC on preventing use of CWs in Syria

    New York, SANA- Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin announced on Wednesday that Russia and China submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council on preventing …

March, 2016

  • 31 March

    Russian General Staff: None of Palmyra’s cultural treasures were damaged due to Russian airstrikes against ISIS targets

    Moscow, SANA- Russian General Staff said that reports affirm that ISIS terrorist organization planted mines and explosive devices in an area more than 180 hectares in Palmyra before most of …