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July, 2014

  • 12 July

    Death toll of the Israeli aggression on Gaza rises to over 135

    Gaza, SANA -Israeli occupation forces continued Saturday aggression on Gaza Strip as Palestinian medical sources announced that death toll since last Monday rose to over 135 Palestinians and more than 800 wounded persons. …

  • 12 July

    Moscow : Real chance to adopt draft statement on banning oil buying from terrorists in Syria

    The UN, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitally Churkin said that the UN Security Council continues  work on the draft statement proposed by Russia to combat …

  • 11 July

    Indian External Affairs Ministry official: India rejects external interference in Syria

    New Delhi, SANA – Sandeep Kumar, the Joint Secretary of the North Africa and West Asia Division of the Indian External Affairs Ministry, said that India firmly rejects external interference …

  • 11 July

    Assistant FM underscores government’s cooperation with UN humanitarian agencies

    Geneva, SANA-Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister Houssam-Eddin Ala underscored the Syrian government’s interest in vitalizing cooperation with UN humanitarian organizations and agencies for delivering relief aid to the crisis-hit areas. …

  • 10 July

    Italian diplomat De Mistura appointed new envoy to Syria

    New York, SANA – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced Thursday that former Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Staffan de Mistura was appointed the new UN Envoy to Syria, replacing Lakhdar Brahimi. …

  • 9 July

    Iran: Conspiracy against Syria foundered

    Tehran, SANA – The conspiratorial scheme by powers that sought to undermine Syria has failed, prompting them to move to Iraq in a bid to foment terrorism and chaos in …

  • 9 July

    Lavrov: Accusing Syrian government of using Sarin gas aimed to justify using force to resolve crisis

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, criticized on Wednesday the accusations against the Syrian government of using Sarin gas, pointing out that such accusations serve the plots of …

  • 8 July

    Foreign Ministry condemns Israeli massacres and barbaric practices against the Palestinian people

    Damascus, SANA – An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that Israel is escalating its barbaric aggression against the Arab Palestinian people after the Israeli government allowed …

  • 6 July

    Abdullahian: KSA role in latest events in the Middle East is not constructive

    Tehran, SANA – Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian described as “not constructive” the role of the Saudi Arabia in the latest developments in …

  • 5 July

    UN-OPCW Joint Mission Coordinator hails Syria chemicals removal as “unprecedented”

    Beirut, SANA-Sigrid Kaag, the Special Coordinator for the OPCW-UN Joint Mission expected the chemical weapons file in Syria to be completely closed within two months. Speaking earlier in Damascus to …