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” Al-Saliqa ” bulgur making in Syria is a love story

Damascus,SANA- The Syrian countryside is characterized by many popular dishes that were inherited from our ancestors, and each of them has its own rituals and occasions. One of the beloved …

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Temperatures to drop, rainy weather over coastal regions

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures are going to drop notably to become around average as the country comes under the influence of extension of a superficial air low accompanied by low air …

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Nicaraguan Foreign Minister: BRICS Expansion Indicates the World is fed up with the US imperialism

Managua, SANA- Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada considered the expansion of the BRICS group evidence that the world is fed up with the US hegemony.  “The world is changing, we …

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Syria expresses condolences to Iraq over victims of horrific fire in Nineveh

Damascus, SANA- Syria expressed its sincere condolences to Iraq over the fire that took place in Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq, claiming numbers of lives and injuries. Syria expresses sincere condolences …

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A new investment license for chemical industries in Syria with estimated cost at 42.8 billion SYP

Damascus, SANA- Syrian Investment Authority has granted a new investment license under Law No. 18 of 2021, for a phosphoric acid production project in Adra Industrial City, in Damascus countryside …

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Aleppo Plastic Arts Forum kicks off with participating 18 artists

Aleppo, SANA- Aleppo Plastic Arts Forum kicked off on Saturday in the old lighthouse of Aleppo under the motto “Arts are threshold to overcome pains”. 18 plastic artists participate in …

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Al-Shibl: Syrian-Chinese strategic relationship was built decades ago

Hangzhou, SANA- Special Advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, Luna Al-Shibl, stressed that the strategic relationship between Syria and China was built decades ago, hailing China’s role on the …

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Xi welcomes guests of the 19th Asian Games

HANGZHOU, SANA- Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that the 19th Asian Games bear the aspirations of the Asian peoples for peace and solidarity. This came during the official banquet hosted …

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Foreign ministers of Astana guarantor states: Sanctions, terrorism remain major challenge facing Syria

New York, SANA- Foreign ministers of Astana guarantor states, (Russia, Iran and Turkey affirmed that sanctions imposed by Western countries and the continued presence of terrorist organizations still represent the …

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Hot weather in general, dusty in Eastern regions

Damascus, SANA-Temperatures are going to rise to become above the average from 2 to 5 degrees as the country still under influence of the extension the superficial Indian seasonal pressure, …

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