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West’s support for Zionist entity reveals volume of collusion with it in the ongoing aggression against Gaza

Damascus, SANA-Since launching the Operation (Al-Aqsa Flood) by the Palestinian resistance on October 7th in response to the Israeli occupation crimes, European and American attitudes and statements have been accelerating …

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Before President al -Assad, Sabbagh sworn in as deputy Foreign Minister

Damascus,SANA-Before President Bashar al-Assad , Ambassador Bassam Sabbagh was sworn in as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates. Later, President al-Assad received Ambassador Sabbagh, provided him with his directives …

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Countries that rejected Russian draft resolution assume full responsibility for the continued bloodshed in Gaza

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Palestinian Resistance said that countries who rejected the Russian draft resolution at the Security Council to open humanitarian corridors are responsible for the continued bleeding of …

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Apple crop in Damascus countryside

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Ryabkov: The U.S. is responsible for the crisis in middle east

Moscow, SANA- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Ryabkov, said that the United States is the responsible for the current escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories …

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Syria obtains second and third place at Ajman Triathlon International Championship

Abu Dhabi, SANA-Syrian national triathlon players, Adnan Al-Safadi and Ahmed Hilweh, achieved second and third places, respectively, in the age group between 19 and 20 years, within the races of …

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Palestinian Syndicate: 11 journalists killed in the occupation aggression on Gaza strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate announced on Monday that 11 journalists were martyred, and more than 20 others were injured since the beginning the Israeli occupation aggression on …

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Syria participates in Alexandria Film Festival

Damascus, SANA- Syria participated in the 39th edition of the Alexandria Film Festival for Mediterranean Countries through the short feature film Laila’s Passion and the Nobleman (Shaghaf Laila and Al-Shahm) …

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A tourist group of various nationalities visits Busra al-Sham

Daraa,SANA- A tourist group of multiple nationalities visited the archaeological city of Busra al-Sham in Daraa province to get acquainted of its antiquities ,urban and historical landmarks. Tourists expressed their …

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Russian defenses take down 9 Ukrainian missiles targeting Belgorod district

Moscow,SANA- Russian Defense Ministry announced Saturday that its air defenses had shot down nine missiles launched by Kiev forces at the Belgorod district in southwest of the country. “Last night, …

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