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Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip continues for the 169th day, dozens of martyrs and wounded

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Israeli occupation continues its Fascist aggression on the stricken Gaza Strip for the 169th day by land, sea and air, with bloody massacres and horrific crimes against Palestinians. …

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Death toll from the terrorist attack on Russian Crocus City Hall rises to 115 people

Moscow, SANA- Russia’s Investigative Committee announced Saturday that the death toll from the terrorist attack targeting the Crocus City Hall  in the capital Moscow has reached 115 people. “The emergency services …

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Latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Palestinian resistance

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation …

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President al-Assad offers condolences to President Putin: We are determined to go ahead in our joint war against terrorism

Damascus, SANA- President Bashar al-Assad sent on Saturday a cable of condolence to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the victims of the heinous terrorist attack that targeted Crocus City Hall …

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Klishas: terrorist attack on crocus is part of Russia’s war with the secret services of the west

Moscow,SANA-Russian senator,Andrei Klishas considered terrorist attack  in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow is part of the war that Western intelligence services have been waging with Russia for many years. …

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8 Palestinians killed by Israeli army fire in Gaza strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Eight Palestinians were killed and others were injured on Friday dawn as a result of Israeli occupation aircraft bombing houses in  Rafah, southern Gaza strip. Palestinian media …

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Palestinian institutions: 37 mothers are killed every day in Gaza, the occupation deprives them from their children

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian institutions announced  today that 37 mothers are killed daily in Gaza Strip, while 28 mothers out of 67 prisoners are held in Israeli occupation prisons and …

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Syria condemns blatant U.S. interference in Cuban internal affairs,calls on the Int’l community to lift blockade

Damascus, SANA- Syria has strongly condemned the blatant U.S. interference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Cuba and rejected the American provocative approach, distortion of facts and accusations …

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167 day for the ongoing occupation aggression on Gaza: 31,988 martyrs, 74,188 wounded

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Number of victims of the continuous Israeli occupation aggression since the 7th of last Oct. On the stricken Gaza Strip has increased to 31,988 martyrs and 74,188 injured. …

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Syrian, Venezuelan talks on developing relations in various oil fields

Damascus,SANA- Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister, Firas Hassan Qaddour, met Wednesday the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Damascus, Jose Gregorio Biomorgi Muzattiz, and discussed ways to enhance …

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