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Latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Palestinian resistance

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation …

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Latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Palestinian resistance

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation …

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guard seizes Israeli-linked ship near Strait of Hormuz

Tehran, SANA- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy had seized on Saturday, the Israeli-linked MSC ARIES a cargo ship near the Strait of Hormuz. According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, …

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An artistic musical event in Jableh city,photos

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Dozens of martyrs and wounded in the 189th day of the Israeli aggression on the Strip

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA-Dozens of Palestinians were killed and injured on Friday morning as a result of the ongoing Israeli occupation aggression on the stricken Gaza Strip for the 189th day. …

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Latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Palestinian resistance

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation …

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Peskov: Israeli raid on Iranian consulate in Damascus violated all the principles of international law

Moscow, SANA- Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed the Kremlin’s condemnation of the Israeli aggression on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. “This attack is a violation of all the principles …

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Russian Forces strike energy facilities in Ukraine

Moscow,SANA- Russian Defense Ministry confirmed  that it had launched a large-scale strike with high-precision and long-range air and naval weapons against the facilities of the fuel and energy complex in …

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A play dubbed “our folklore” reflects diversity of Syrian heritage at al-Hamra Theatre, Damascus

Damascus,SANA- Directorate of theaters and music, in cooperation with the Ajyal troupe, held a performance titled our folklore (folklorna) in the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, at al-Hamra Theatre, in Damascus. …

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Spanish PM: Recognizing Palestinian State is a geopolitical interest for Europe

Madrid, SANA -Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, declared on Wednesday that recognizing a Palestinian State is in Europe’s geopolitical interest, and reiterated that Madrid is ready to take this step. …

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