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ALECSO Executive Council begins activities with participation of Syria

Jeddah, SANA-With participation of Syria, activities of the 121st session of the Executive Council of Arab League’s Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) started Friday in Jeddah. A number of …

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Latest updates of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by Palestinian resistance

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Following are the latest developments of Operation “al-Aqsa Flood” launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation …

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More dead and injured in the Israel’s ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip

Occupied Jerusalem,SANA-At least four Palestinians were killed and others were wounded in the early morning of Friday as a result of Israel’s continued aggression against areas in the afflicted Gaza …

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Sabbagh meets the Emirati and Abkhaz ambassadors in Damascus

Damascus,SANA- Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Hammouda Sabbagh,met Thursday Mr. Hasan Ahmad al-Shahi ,ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates in Damascus. Sabbagh stressed the strength of the …

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With participation of President al-Assad, activities of 33rd session of the Arab Summit begin in Manama

Manama,SANA-With participation of President Bashar al-Assad, works of the thirty-third session of the Arab League council at the summit level started Thursday in Manama, the capital of Bahrain. President al-Assad …

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Arab Parliament urges world to intervene immediately to stop aggression on Gaza

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Arab Parliament on Wednesday, called on the international community and the UN Security Council to assume their responsibilities and intervene immediately and urgently to stop the aggression, …

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Mikdad meets his Iraqi counterpart on the sidelines of the preparatory meeting of Arab foreign ministers for the Arab Summit

Manama, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, met Dr. Fuad Hussein,the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, and reviewed the development of fraternal relations, cooperation and coordination existing between the …

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Mikdad meets Tunisia’s Foreign Minister and discusses bilateral relations between the two countries

Manama, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad met Wednesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Tunisians Abroad Mr. Nabil Ammar, and discussed bilateral relations and ways to develop them …

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Mikdad discusses with his Libyan counterpart bilateral relations and ways to reactivate them

Manama, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad , discussed Wednesday with Al- Taher Salem Al-Baour, the minister of foreign affairs in charge of running the affairs of the Ministry …

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Jableh countryside in Lattakia province on the Syrian coast (photos)

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