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Cabinet to find job opportunities for the military demobilized

Damascus, SANA-The Cabinet seeks to find job opportunities for those who ended their military tasks, empower them to engage in the labor markets through securing training courses in a step …

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Shulgin: 200 notes ignored by OPCW on terrorist provocations in Syria

Moscow, SANA- The Permanent Representative of Russia to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin, said that the technical secretariat of OPCW ignored about 200 notes …

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A stand in rejection of Turkish occupation, its mercenaries in Tel Rifaat, Aleppo countryside

Aleppo, SANA- The locals in Tel Rifaat in Aleppo countryside have staged a stand in rejection of the Turkish occupation of Syrian territory and in denunciation of the crimes of …

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Turkish occupation attacks several houses in Bir Arab in Raqqa countryside

Raqqa, SANA- Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorist organizations attacked; through a drone the residential areas in Bir Arab area in Raqqa northern countryside. Local sources told SANA …

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Russian-Iranian talks on the situation in Syria

Moscow, SANA- Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, discussed with the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani the situation in …

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Israeli occupation forces arrest eight Palestinians in the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces arrested on Friday eight Palestinians in separate areas in the West bank. Palestinian media outlets reported that the occupation forces stormed into several …

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Temperatures to drop, showers expected in different areas

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will slightly drop to become around average or little below as the country is affected by a superficial low air pressure accompanied by western air currents in …

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Health Ministry:270 new coronavirus cases registered, 92 recover, 9 pass away

Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Thursday that 270 new coronavirus cases were registered in Syria, adding that 92 patients recovered while 9 passed away. In a statement to SANA, …

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Turkish occupation brings 200 vehicles to reinforce its posts in Idleb

Idleb, SANA-200 military vehicles affiliated with the Turkish occupation forces have entered Idleb western countryside with the aim of reinforcing their posts and increasing their direct support for the terrorist …

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Rehabilitation works at al-Ahmadiyah archeological Souq (market) in Aleppo (Photos)

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