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People’s Assembly delegation starts visit to Czech Republic

Prague, SANA- A delegation of People’s Assembly, headed by its deputy Speaker Fahmi Hassan, started on Tuesday a 4-day visit to Czech upon an invitation by Czech Parliament (House of …

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Iftar banquet held to affirm women important role in society

Damascus, SANA – A number of charitable associations, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs, held on Monday an Iftar banquet in Damascus, attended by a number of Muslim …

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A child killed, 4 others wounded in terrorist attack in Damascus

Damascus, SANA-A child was killed on Monday and 5 citizens, among them 4 children, were wounded in a terrorist attack with mortar shells on a number of neighborhoods in Damascus. …

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Martyrs’ monument inaugurated in al-Hisn town in Homs

Homs, SANA-Families of al-Hisn town in the central city of Homs inaugurated on Monday the Martyrs’ monument in commemoration of the martyr pure soul and in honor of the Syrian …

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Army assumes control of al-Tal Citadel in Zabadani, al-Nashwa al-Sharqiah neighborhood in Hasaka

Provinces, SANA- Units of the army and armed forces carried out on Saturday special operations against terrorist organizations’ positions and dens in many areas across the country, inflicting heavy losses …

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UNESCO: Deliberate destruction of Syrian, Iraqi ruins reached unprecedented levels

London, SANA- Director General of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Irina Bokova said on Thursday that the deliberate looting, destruction of the Syrian and Iraq historical sites …

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14 wanted persons from Hama turn themselves in to authorities

Hama, SANA-14 wanted persons in Hama turned themselves in on Thursday to competent authorities to have their cases settled. In June, 78 wanted persons from Damascus and its countryside turned …

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Five citizens killed in terrorist rocket attacks in Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA- Five citizens were killed on Thursday and more than 90 others were wounded in terrorist attacks with rocket shells, fired by Takfiri organizations, on many residential neighborhoods in Aleppo. …

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ISIS terrorists destroy “Allat God” statue in Palmyra

Homs, SANA-Terrorists of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) destroyed on Thursday statue of “Allat God” in Palmyra, which is considered as one of the important historical statues …

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Syrian, Belarusian talks to import buses and trucks into Syria

Damascus, SANA-Representatives from Ministries of Industry, Public works and Local administration held on Wednesday discussions with Belarus Ambassador in Damascus Alexander Ponomarev and representatives of MAZ Company on the possibility …

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