Syrian Army establishes control over more areas in Lattakia’s northern countryside

Provinces, SANA-The army units killed more terrorists and destroyed their dens and equipment in different cities and areas around the country.


A military source announced on Saturday that the army units and popular defense groups established control over a number of villages and hills in the northern countryside of Lattakia.

Those included Rweiset al-Qamoua village and surrounding hills, the villages of al-Mgheiriyeh, Hawsh al-Mgheiriyeh, Rweiset Bani Jazi and Kedin and Point 1014, the source told SANA.

The operations in those areas, which were “intensified” as the source described, left many terrorists dead and
several vehicles destroyed, along with various types of munitions and equipment.

In spite of the rough and mountainous geography of this countryside, the army units, aided by the popular defense
groups, have made quick advances, assuming in the past two days control of Khirbet al-Joubeh Hill, Point 1023, al-
Takhan land, al-Hara Mount, Beit Fares Mount, the villages of al-Sarraf and Beit Fares, al-Daghdaghan farm and
Rweiset Abu Ghannam and Rweiset al-Sheikh Salman areas.

Through its operations in those areas, the army has managed to cut off some of the terrorists’ supply routes across
the Turkish border, and its units have stepped up efforts to expand the scope of their control.


At least 25 terrorists from ISIS and Jaish al-Fateh terrorist organizations were killed during operations by the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian Air Force in Hama and Idleb countryside.

A military source said in a statement to SANA that the Air Force carried out sorties against the Jaish al-Fateh terrorists, destroying two vehicles equipped with heavy machineguns and killing at least 8 terrorists in Saraqeb and Maardabseh 26 km southeast of Idleb city.

Airstrikes also destroyed a workshop for making explosive shells and killed a number of terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra in Ma’arat al-Numan 42 km south of Idleb.

In Hama province, army units targeted dens of Jund al-Aqsa and Ahrar al-Cham movement in Tal Waset , Qarqour, and al-Mansoura villages in the northern countryside, which resulted in destroying positions and fortifications of terrorists and vehicles, some of which equipped with heavy machineguns.

Terrorists from al-Izza gathering fell dead during an operation by the army that targeted one of their positions in Kafar Zeta 38 km north of Hama.

Three terrorists from the “Jund al-Aqsa” terror group which is affiliated to ISIS were killed during a special operation by an army unit in Morek 30 km north of Hama.

In the far northwestern part of al-Ghab plain, an army unit killed 6 terrorists from Jaish al-Fateh during operations against their dens in al-Sermaniyeh town, according to field sources.


The army units directly hit terrorist targets in several neighborhoods in Aleppo city, killing many terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and other Takfiri organizations, according to the source.

The source said the operations targeted terrorists’ hideouts in al-Rashidin, al-Lairamoun, Bani Zaid, Karm al-Jazmati and al-Zahraa.

A number of mortar launchers were destroyed as a result of the operations.


In southern Syria, Army units targeted gatherings of terrorists in Daraa al-Mahatta neighborhood in Daraa

A number of terrorists were killed in the areas east of the Doctors Syndicate, south of Bosra Square and south of
Zanoubia school in the neighborhood.

Another army unit destroyed vehicles of terrorists in the southwestern part of al-Manshiyeh neighborhood in Daraa
al-Balad, located near the Jordanian border.

The terrorist organizations acknowledged on their social media pages the death of a number of their
members, including Hussein al-Hashish from the so-called “Jamaat Bait al-Maqdes” and the terrorist Mohammad Sakhr Muhareb.

Meanwhile, in the northeastern countryside of Sweida, an army unit targeted dens and fortifications of ISIS
terrorists southwest of al-Qasr village, 40 km to the northeast of Sweida city.

A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured, while their arms and ammunition were destroyed.

Damascus Countryside

Army units continued to advance in the northwestern side of Marj al-Sultan town in the Eastern Ghouta area of Damascus Countryside, sources on the ground told SANA’s correspondent.

The sources said that the army carried out intensive operations which resulted in establishing control over a number of farms and blocks of buildings in the direction of Hosh Kharabo, in addition to killing 4 terrorists including Yousef Bekdash and Mohsen Ballo.

According to the sources, the army destroyed a mortar launcher and bases for Jabhat al-Nusra and Jaish al-Islam terrorist organizations near the roundabout of al-Bilaliya village east of Marj al-Sultan, in addition to killing 8 terrorists including Ziyad Abdellatif al-Dali, Firas Arnous, and Fouad Saqraq.

Another army unit carried out concentrated artillery strikes on a base of terrorists in the town of Zebdin, destroying it completely and killing terrorists Ahmad al-Lababidi and Hassan Zeno.

At the outskirts of Douma city, army units carried out operations in the farms of Karm al-Rasas, al-Hajjariya, and Abdelraouf, which resulted in destroying a machinegun-equipped car used by Jaish al-Islam terrorists and killing 8 of them including Fawaz al-Namleh, Msallam Mshamshem, and Nidal al-Tawil, while another unit clashed with a terrorist group attempting to sneak towards the farms of Tal al-Sawwan and Hosh al-Fara northeast of Douma, leaving all the group’s members dead or injured.

Four more terrorists including Ali al-Najjar and Ahmad al-Furqawi were killed in an army operation targeting a terrorist hideout northwest of Madira village south of Douma.

English Bulletin

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