The Army destroys terrorists’ positions, kills large number of them across the country

Provinces, SANA-Units of the army and the armed forces, backed by the Syrian army air force, on Monday continued to launch wide-scaled military operations against the Takfiri terrorist organizations across the country, inflicting heavy losses upon them in the arms and personnel.

Damascus countryside 

Army units killed 39 terrorists during accurate operations against their dens and axes of movements in the Eastern and Western Ghouta.

Field sources said in statements to SANA reporter that army operations in the farms which are located between Marj al-Sultan and al-Nashabiyeh towns in Eastern Ghouta destroyed a vehicle and killed 14 terrorists from the so-called al-Islam brigade including Yaser al-Hallaq, a terrorist group leader.

A unit of army killed terrorists and destroyed their arms and munitions in Aliya farms and al-Hajariyeh on the outskirts of Douma city.

Army operations destroyed a tunnel for the so-called Jaish al-Islam in Joubar and killed 16 terrorists inside it, according to the sources.

In Irbeen, headquarters of terrorists were destroyed and a number of terrorists were killed.

Meanwhile, a leader of a terrorist group nicknamed Abu Usama was killed during an army operation in Darayya in Eastern Ghouta.


The Syrian army air force carried out a number of sorties over the past 24 hours against dens and positions of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the countryside of the central Homs province.

A military source told SANA Monday that the sorties targeted headquarters and movements of ISIS terrorists in the villages of al-Hadath and Hawarin, about 80 km to the southeast of Homs City, destroying positions and fortifications of ISIS terrorists, in addition to a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles which were destroyed along with all the arms and ammunition inside them.

The Syrian army air force also carried out strikes against dens and positions of ISIS terrorists in the surroundings of al-Sharifa village in the countryside of Palmyra, and in the villages of Ghunaiman, Tafha and Ghziyla in the eastern countryside as heavy losses were inflicted upon the terrorists in the arms and personnel.

Meanwhile, positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists were destroyed in airstrikes against their fortifications in Tair Ma’ala village, 7 km to the north of Homs City.


An army unit destroyed a Tau missile launcher and killed 5 terrorists in Lahaia al-Sharkia village in Hama.

The sources said that at least 14 terrorists were killed and 2 vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns and loaded with ammunition were destroyed during army’s operations against terrorists’ dens in Latmin, Morik and Sakik.

Anas al-Fadil and Abu Omar al-Kayali were among the dead.


The Syrian army air force carried out sorties against positions of ISIS terrorists in  Sharb’a in the countryside of the northen Aleppo province.


Army units destroyed positions of “Jabhat al-Nusra” in Bdama village in the countryside of Jisr al-Shoughor during an army’s special operation in the area.

10 terrorists were killed during the operation, most of them are foreigners.

An army unit destroyed 2 sites of the so called “Jaish al-Fateh” and 3 terrorists were killed in al-Rami town in al-Zawia Mountain.

A gathering belonging to the so called “Jund al-Aqsa” and “Ajnad al-Sham Islamic Movement” was destroyed in al-Tamaniaa to the east of Khan Sheikhon in the southern countryside of Idleb.


An army unit in cooperation with the popular defense groups bombarded ISIS gatherings in the village of al-Qaser in the northern countryside of Sweida, destroying a heavy machinegun-equipped car with all terrorists on board.


In the neighboring Daraa province, an army unit killed and injured all members of an armed terrorist group and destroyed their weapons and ammunition after targeting their hideouts in al- Nazihin camp in Daraa al-Balad in Daraa southern province.

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