Aug 24th, Battle of Marj Dabiq erupts between Mamluks and Ottomans.

Damascus, SANA- Today in History Aug 24th:

1516- Battle of Marj Dabiq erupts between Mamluks and Ottomans.

1821- Mexico independence declared.

1922- The Palestinians reject the British mandate on Palestine at Nablus Conference.

1949- Former Brazilian President Getulio Vargas resigns and commits suicide just hours later due to the increasing political crisis in the country.

1991- Mikhail Gorbachev resigns from his post as a head of the Soviet Communist Union.

1995- Windows 95 released to the public.

Born Today:

1865- King Ferdinand I of Romania.

1929- Late Palestinian President Yassyer Arafat.

Passed Away:

1832- French Physicist and Military Engineer Sadi Carnot.

2003- British Explorer Wilfred Thesiger.


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