Al-Dahhak: The occupation escalates its barbaric attacks on countries of region due to Washington prevention of any serious move to stop its crimes

New York, SANA-Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak said that the Israeli occupation has surpassed itself in brutality and barbarism and has escalated its barbaric attacks on Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, reassured by the standing of a permanent member of the Security Council by its side and preventing any serious move to stop its crimes.

“Our region has been suffering for more than seven decades from the ongoing Israeli occupation of Arab lands in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, the brutal attacks and systematic crimes, and from Western policies that support “Israel” at the expense of the security and stability of our countries.” Ambassador al-Dahhak said in a statement at UN Security council session.

The Ambassador added that The Israeli occupation and the policies of the states that support it are the main reason for the instability in our region. More than seven decades of occupation have been met with hundreds of meetings, initiatives, conferences and the adoption of resolutions, all of which have failed to find the solutions the region needs, because some in this Council have directed their utmost efforts to serve the Israeli occupation and prolong its duration, and have harnessed their capabilities to cover up the massacres and acts of aggression committed by the occupation authorities.

“The unlimited and multi-faceted support of the US administration has enabled the occupation authorities to escalate their aggression and increase the pace of their attacks on Syrian territory, which have targeted a number of residential buildings in the capital Damascus in recent days, claiming the lives of innocent civilians and terrorizing the peaceful population”. al-Dahhak added.

“Foreign and Expatriates Minister sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the UN, in which he briefed him on the Israeli attacks on Syrian territory, which have reached 116 attacks since October 7, 2023, during which the occupation targeted innocent civilians, including women and children, production and service facilities, infrastructure, and even diplomatic headquarters, and border crossings used daily by thousands of people coming from brotherly Lebanon, and led to the martyrdom of more than 100 people and the infliction of material losses and significant damage to private and public property.” al-Dahhak said.

“Syria recently received the High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, who witnessed the great efforts made by Syria to deal with the humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, and the facilities provided to the returnees. My country looks forward to the response of the member states of the UN to the appeals issued by the representatives of the organization and its agencies to support our joint efforts in the humanitarian response.” the Ambassador added.

Ambassador Al-Dahhak concluded by saying that Syria reaffirms its right to eliminate terrorism, and holds the US administration and its allies fully responsible for investing in terrorism and using it as a tool to serve its interests and the interests of the Israeli occupation entity, and for the crimes of terrorist organizations against Syrians, including women, girls and children, and calls on the Security Council to take immediate action and take firm measures to stop these attacks, hold the occupying entity accountable for them and ensure that they are not repeated. It stresses its right to defend its people and its land by all means guaranteed by international law.

Manar Salameh

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