All aftershocks after earthquake are of weaker intensity, Director of National Earthquake Center

Damascus, SANA- Syria was affected by the earthquake hit northern Liwa Iskenderun in general, whereas the areas close to the earthquake in Idleb, Lattakia and Aleppo were most affected, Director of the National Earthquake Center, Dr. Raed Ahmad said.

Speaking to SANA, Ahmed said that the aftershocks have occurred and will occur consecutively, but much weaker than the earthquake that occurred earlier.

He indicated that all the citizens who left their homes can return to them if they are not cracked, since all subsequent aftershocks will be of weak intensity.

Ahmed added that this earthquake is the strongest over the investment lifetime of the national seismic monitoring network, since 1995, noting that the state of seismic instability will continue, but will be weaker and limited to five degrees.

He stressed that the damages caused to buildings is according to their building structure and their resistance to earthquakes, asserting the necessity of strengthening buildings that are about to collapse.

Rafah al-Allouni/ Shaza Qreima

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