Russian jets destroy al-Nusra camp, kill 120 terrorists in Idleb

Moscow,SANA- Russian ministry of defense announced that the air forces bombed a camp of the terrorist organization “Jabhat al-Nusra”, which is on the international terrorism list, in Idlib province, destroying it completely.

“ the Russian Air Force destroyed a camp belonging to the terrorists of “Al-Nusra” organization in Sheikh Yusef area in Idlib, killing more than 120 terrorists”,the deputy commander of the Russian Coordination Center in Hemeimim base in Latakkia, Major General Oleg Igorov, said in a press release.

Russia has been participating in the fight against terrorism together with the Syrian Arab Army since September 2015 at the request of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Fedaa al-Rhayiah / Mazen Eyon

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