With participation of hundreds of national companies… “Family Market” opened in several provinces

Provinces, SANA- With the participation of hundreds of national companies, philanthropists, producers, shareholders the local councils, Souk al-Ayla “Family Market” initiative was launched on Saturday in several Syrian provinces and cities, which included the opening of several direct selling markets for different commodities and needs of the Syrian family, with up to 40% discount.

The initiative aims at providing markets for selling school supplies at a price that is close to the cost, in addition to alleviating the difficult living pressures on the Syrian family, and contributing to meet an important part of their basic needs with the beginning of the new school year.

In Damascus, the Family Market was launched at Damascus Fairground with the participation of 200 companies that offer all the family’s needs, including stationery and back-to-school supplies.

In a statement to journalists, Damascus Governor Eng. Adel al-Olabi said that the market has been opened in cooperation between Damascus Governorate, the Chamber of Industry of Damascus and its countryside, economic activities, charities and civil initiatives.

He noted that the Family Market plays an economic and social role through securing the Syrian families’ needs of various foodstuff, in addition to school supplies and foodstuff for the families of martyrs and children of wounded.

In Dahyat Qudsayya (Qudsayya Suburb) neighborhood in Damascus countryside, the Family Market was opened at al-Dayha First school for a week with the participation of 40 trade companies.

Loai Sari, chairman of the Exhibitions Committee at Damascus Countryside Chamber of Commerce, said the main goal of the market is to reduce the prices and secure the family needs.

Meanwhile, 35 companies are participating in the “Family Market” at the municipal stadium in Jaramana City, Damascus countryside, where they offer various types of stationery materials, school bags, foodstuff and clothing, according to Khaled Mohammad from Damascus Countryside Chamber of Industry.

In Aleppo, the “Family Market” was launched on Saturday evening which is organized by Aleppo Governorate and the Small, Medium Enterprises Development Authority in the al-Mashariqah neighborhood with the participation of 130 projects from different Syrian provinces, as it includes foodstuffs, clothes, school stationery, detergents, soaps and Za’atar Halabi (Aleppo Thyme).

Director General of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, Ehab Esmandar, said in a statement to SANA reporter that the market comes within the Authority’s practical support programs for small and medium enterprises.

A number of citizens, who visited the market, expressed satisfaction with the prices of the showcased products and their diversity between food, textiles, clothing and stationery, and they stressed the necessity to hold such exhibitions again to help them shopping what they need.  It is noteworthy the event will last for ten days.

In Quneitra, the Governorate, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the branch of the Syrian Trading Company, and a number of economic activities, launched the “Family Market” at the Sports Hall in Khan Arnabeh town.

Quneitra Governor, Abdel Halim Khalil, in a statement to SANA reporter, underlined the importance of the market, which contributes to price-cutting, and helps the families to secure school and home supplies at cost prices and it reduces the financial burdens.

In Homs, the ‘Family Market” was launched today at al-Hurryia Hall in the Armenian neighborhood, with the aim of securing various commodities with up to 40 % discount on the showcased materials.

Eyad al-Sibai, Chairman of Homs Chamber of Commerce, stated that the market includes Homs merchants and companies with the aim of serving the community and delivering goods to the consumer at prices lower than foreign markets, stressing that there is a huge turnout by merchants to participate in this initiative.

In Hasaka, the “Family Market” initiative, which was opened in the city, included several pavilions for providing school supplies of stationery, notebooks, pens, clothes and bags, in addition to food supplies, detergents and fabrics, at competitive prices with a 25% to 50 % discount.

Head of Hasaka City Council, Eng. Adnan Khajou noted that the initiative aims at securing the locals’ needs of various materials at encouraging and reduced prices, as the market was organized in partnership with the economic and commercial activities in Hasaka city to activate its societal role and contribute to supporting the families’ needs.

In Deir Ezzor province, the “Family Market” was opened in each of the cities of Deir Ezzor, al-Mayadeen and al-Bokmal.

In Tartous, the “Family Market” was launched on Saturday evening, and it is being held by the governorate in cooperation with Tartous Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the old city, the Maronite Church in the cities of Banias, and in Darkish City, west of the garage.

The markets include a variety of stationery, clothes and school bags, in addition to food supplies.

In Sweida, the Governorate opened the “Family Market” to secure the needs of the family in the al-Mazraa Shopping Mall affiliated with the branch of the Syrian Trading Company in cooperation with Sweida Chamber of Industry and Commerce and with the participation of establishments from the public and private sectors and a number of civil society associations with up to 40 % discount on the prices.

Governor of Sweida, Engineer Hammam Diybat, indicated in a statement to journalists that the market aims to alleviate the difficult living pressures on families and to contribute to helping them meet an important part of their needs.

Rafah al-Allouni/ Ruaa al-Jazaeri


Deir Ezzor





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