Dwyer Baabda… an autumn touch that adds beauty to its green color

Lattakia, SANA-Dwyer Baabda village is unique with its charming view on the plains of Banyas, Jableh and Lattakia, its beautiful landscapes, and its homes, that combine modernity and tradition and retains in parts of its simple village feature, which Autumn gives it aesthetic touch and the colors of yellow, dark brown and green mixed harmoniously attracts the eyes as if it was a complete artistic painting.

The village is located about 50 km from the center of Lattakia , its height is about 650 meters above sea level ,and its population reaches to 6,200 persons.

Engineer Hussein al-Mouhad, the head of the town municipality, said that Dwer Baabda is in the middle of a number of the villages, including the village of Dhwibba in the north, separated from it by a green valley in which a small river flows and the villages of Baabda and Seribion in the south, and Dalieh to the east, with a charming sea view from the western side.

He added that the village is distinguished by its fertile soil, which is suitable for all types of crops
Such as citrus , olives, apples and other fruit trees in addition to seasonal vegetables and tobacco.

Manar Salameh/ Mazen Eyon

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