Army downs terrorists’ drone laden with bombs in al-Ghab Plain

Hama, SANA- SANA’s reporter said that Syrian Arab Army units downed a drone laden with bombs belonging to the terrorist organizations in al-Frika town in in the far northwestern countryside of Hama province before reaching its target.

SANA’s reporter in Hama said that an army unit on Wednesday morning tracked a drone belonging to the terrorist organizations which was coming from the areas in which they spread in Idleb countryside and it targeted the drone with medium weapons and it downed it before reaching its target in al-Frika town in the far northwestern countryside of Hama.

The reporter added that the drone was laden with explosives and bombs with the aim of targeting the safe areas or the infrastructure or the army posts which protect the civilians.

Terrorist groups, mostly affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, spread in Idleb and its countryside and they attack the safe villages and the military posts in Hama northern countryside with shells and drones.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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