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Video SANA

April, 2019

  • 29 April

    Christian denominations celebrate Easter

  • 28 April

    Al-Jaafari in press conference at the conclusion of Astana 12 talks

  • 28 April

    The 2nd edition of Aleppo International Fair concluded

  • 27 April

    Remarkable increase of the water level of the Euphrates River

  • 25 April

    Speech of acting charge d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation at UN during UNSC session

  • 25 April

    Protests in villages of Deir Ezzor northwestern countryside against practices of US-backed Qasad militia

  • 24 April

    US, Israeli made weapons, ammo left by terrorists sized in Quneitra Countryside

  • 23 April

    More displaced people arrive in Jlaighim corridor coming from al-Rukban camp

  • 22 April

    Christian denominations in Syria celebrate Easter

  • 21 April

    Locals of Aleppo enjoy the joy of Easter in an atmosphere of security and stability