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Video SANA

May, 2019

  • 30 May

    Deir Ezzor in the holy month of Ramadan

  • 29 May

    Statement by Dr. al-Jaafari at Security Council’s session on situation in Syria

  • 29 May

    Terrorists sabotage several landmarks of ancient city of Apamea in Hama countryside

  • 28 May

    Army finds field hospital for “White Helmets” terrorists in Hama countryside

  • 28 May

    Terrorist groups target civilians in al-Suqailabiye, Hama countryside

  • 27 May

    Army discovers  20-m depth tunnel for terrorists while canvassing Qal’at al-Madiq,  Hama countryside

  • 27 May

    Anzour puts final touches to his film “The Blood of Palm”

  • 25 May

    Army finds field hospital and equipment for “White Helmets” terrorists in al-Huwaiz town, Hama countryside

  • 25 May

    SANA Camera accompanies the Syrian Arab Army personnel in al-Huwaiz in Hama countryside

  • 24 May

    Al-Jaafari’s speech during UNSC’s session on protection of civilians in armed conflict