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Video SANA

June, 2019

  • 25 June

    Spikes of wheat in the harvest season

  • 24 June

    Minister of Education: Final exams are going well in all provinces

  • 23 June

    SANA’s interview with President of South Ossetia

  • 22 June

    Syrian Embassy in Bucharest participates in fifth Embassies Cultural Festival

  • 22 June

    Yoga for Peace and Tranquility activity held at al-Jala’a Sports City in Damascus

  • 21 June

    Syrian tribes support the army, reject any foreign illegitimate presence on Syrian territories

  • 21 June

    Weapons and ammunition, some of which are Israeli-made bombs left behind terrorists found in Yelda in Damascus countryside

  • 20 June

    Army units discover a cache for Daesh in Deir Ezoor countryside


  • 20 June

    Dozens of families return from Juleighem Camp and refugee camps in Jordan to their towns


  • 19 June

    Al-Jaafari: Syria will continue to defend its land, combat terrorism