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Video SANA

December, 2020

  • 28 December

    In framework of its continued violations…QSD militia demolishes citizens’ houses in al-Houl area

  • 28 December

    With aim of containing outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, voluntary initiative in al-Sanamen City, Daraa

  • 25 December

    Carnival ( the Light of the East ) roams Saydnaya streets in Christmas Eve

  • 23 December

    President al-Assad visits electronic citizen service center in Damascus

  • 23 December

    Christmas Recital performed at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Dormition, Damascus

  • 21 December

    Information minister inspects rehabilitation works at Aleppo Radio Station

  • 21 December

    More than 30 artworks by Syrian plastic artists showcased at Aleaf Noon Gallery

  • 20 December

    Mikdad in an interview with SANA: Syrian-Russian relations strategic, will be deepened more

  • 20 December

    On anniversary of Aleppo victory over terrorism… 675 industrial facilities return to work and production

  • 15 December

    Statement by Minister-Counselor al-Dahhak at 31st Special Session of the UN General Assembly in Response to Coronavirus Disease