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Video SANA

July, 2018

  • 20 July

    Al-Qaterji industrial neighborhood in Aleppo recovers after eliminating terrorism

  • 20 July

    After liberation of Tal al-Hara in Daraa countryside … Locals express joy over restoring security to it due to Syrian Arab Army sacrifices

  • 19 July

    Opening Harabesh telecommunication center and three water plants in Deir Ezzor

  • 19 July

    Reactivating police units in Dael city

  • 18 July

    Syrian flag hoisted over Busra al-Sham in Daraa countryside

  • 18 July

    Art concert to support children with cancer in Aleppo Citadel

  • 18 July

    SANA camera tours Tal al-Hara in Daraa countryside after liberating it from terrorism

  • 17 July

    Damascus International Fair in the sixties of the past century

  • 16 July

    First batch of terrorists evacuated along with their families from Daraa al-Balad to northern Syria

  • 16 July

    Armed groups in Daraa al-Balad continue to hand over their heavy weapons