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Breaking News

February, 2019

  • 26 February

    SANA reporter: Army destroys dens of terrorists of “Turkistan Party” in al-Hwaiz village in Hama northern countryside

    SANA reporter: Army  destroys dens of terrorists of “Turkistan Party” in al-Hwaiz village in Hama northern countryside

  • 26 February

    SANA reporter: Army thwarts terrorists’ infiltration attempt from Qalaat al-Madiq, al-Sharia, al-Jamaseh into military points in northern Hama, killing, injuring many

    SANA reporter: Army thwarts terrorists’ infiltration attempt from Qalaat al-Madiq, al-Sharia, al-Jamaseh into military points in northern Hama, killing, injuring many

  • 25 February

    SANA reporter: Authorities, in cooperation with reconciliation committees, find  large amounts of weapons and ammunition, some of which are US and Western-made,  left behind by terrorists in countryside of Quneitra and southwestern Damascus

    SANA reporter: Authorities, in cooperation with reconciliation committees, find  large amounts of weapons and ammunition, some of which are US and Western-made,  left behind by terrorists in countryside of Quneitra …

  • 25 February

    SANA reporter: Army destroys dens and rocket launching pads used by terrorist groups in al-Latamina to attack safe towns in the northern outskirts of Hama

    SANA reporter: Army destroys dens and rocket launching pads used by terrorist groups in al-Latamina to attack safe towns in the northern outskirts of Hama

  • 25 February

    SANA reporter: Terrorist groups target with 7 rocket shells Salhab town Hama north-western countryside

    SANA reporter: Terrorist groups target with 7 rocket shells Salhab town in Hama north-western countryside

  • 25 February

    SANA reporter: Army thwarts attempt of Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorists to sneak from Mourek town into Tel Bazzam in Hama countryside, killing and injuring many of them

    SANA reporter: Army thwarts attempt of Jabhat al-Nusra-linked terrorists to sneak from  Mourek town into Tel Bazzam in Hama countryside, killing and injuring many of them

  • 24 February

    SANA reporter: Army retaliates to terrorists’ attacks and breaches of the de-escalation zone, destroys their dens and gatherings on outskirts of al-Latamina and Hasraya in Hama northern countryside.

    SANA reporter: Army retaliates to terrorists’ attacks and breaches of the de-escalation zone, destroys their dens and gatherings on outskirts of al-Latamina and Hasraya in Hama northern countryside

  • 24 February

    SANA reporter: 24 civilians martyred when a car carrying workers on board ran over a landmine left behind by Daesh terrorists in al-Azib valley in Salamyieh countryside

      SANA reporter: 24 civilians martyred when a car carrying workers on board ran over a landmine left behind by Daesh terrorists in al-Azib valley in Salamyieh countryside

  • 24 February

    SANA’s reporter: 24 civilians martyred in a landmine blast left behind by Daesh (ISIS) in al-Azib valley in Salamyieh countryside

  • 23 February

    SANA reporter: Army destroys rocket launching pads for terrorist groups in Latamina, Kafar Zeita, al-Habbeet, and Mourek in countryside of Hama and Idleb