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Breaking News

March, 2019

  • 4 March

    SANA reporter: Army units destroy dens of ” Al-Ezza Brigades” terrorists in Latmin town in northern Hama

    SANA reporter: Army units destroy dens of “Al-Ezza Brigades” terrorists in Latmin town in northern Hama

  • 3 March

    Lavrov: It is early to speak about complete elimination of terrorism danger in Syria, Sochi agreement on Idleb hasn’t been fully implemented.

    Lavrov: It is early to speak about complete elimination of terrorism danger in Syria, Sochi agreement on Idleb hasn’t been fully implemented.

  • 3 March

    SANA reporter: Army thwarts terrorists attempt to sneak form direction of Lahaya/ Ma’rkebeh in northern Hama, inflicts losses upon them in personnel and equipment

  • 2 March

    SANA’s reporter: Army conducts bombardments against Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in al-Hawiz village in Hama northern countryside, destroying a number of their dens.

  • 1 March

    SANA reporter: Terrorists fire rocket shells on Mharda, Tal Bazam …the army responds to the sources of fire in al-Latamina and Kafar Zeta in northern Hama

    SANA reporter: Terrorists fire rocket shells on Mharda, Tal Bazam …the army responds to the sources of fire in al-Latamina and Kafar Zeta in northern Hama

February, 2019

  • 28 February

    Al-Jaafari: Syria is ready to cooperate with UN Chief’s special envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen to make his mission a success in facilitating the intra-Syrian dialogue led by Syria

    Al-Jaafari: Syria is ready to cooperate with UN Chief’s special envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen to make his mission a success in facilitating the intra-Syrian dialogue led by Syria

  • 28 February

    SANA’s reporter: A new batch of displaced Syrians returning from Lebanon arrives in Jdeidet Yabous crossing heading for their villages and towns which have been liberated from terrorism.

    SANA’s reporter: A new batch of displaced Syrians returning from Lebanon arrives in Jdeidet Yabous crossing heading for their villages and towns which have been liberated from terrorism.

  • 27 February

    SANA reporter: New batch of displaced Syrians returns from refugee camps in Jordan through Nassib border crossing

    SANA reporter: New batch of displaced returns from refugee camps in Jordan through Nassib border crossing

  • 27 February

    SANA’s reporter: Authorities find 8 tons of the highly- explosive C4 material left behind by terrorists in the southern region.

    SANA’s reporter: Authorities find 8 tons of the highly- explosive C4 material left behind by terrorists in the southern region.

  • 26 February

    SANA reporter: A civilian martyred, 10 injured in a blast of landmine left behind by Daesh terrorists in al-Shoula in Deir Ezzor countryside

      SANA reporter: A civilian martyred, 10 injured in a blast of landmine left behind by Daesh terrorists in al-Shoula in Deir Ezzor countryside