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August, 2014

  • 26 August

    ATMs, another victim of the terrorist and economic war imposed on Syria

    Damascus, SANA – Terrorism and international sanctions have conspired against the Syrian people, targeting almost every aspect of their life including their simplest means of living including ATMs, many of …

  • 26 August

    Ghiwa Salman creates magnificent drawings with her little fingers

    Lattakia, SANA – 12-years old Ghiwa Salman is a remarkable child whose innovative talent is clearly manifested in her drawings on glass through which she has proven her presence on …

  • 25 August

    Life returns to plastic art galleries in Syria

    Damascus, SANA – In a step that opened the door wide for plastic artists to display their artistic items, Artist Anas Nassar has organized a joint exhibition at his new …

  • 21 August

    Terrorists’ crimes affirm the reality of the West governments’ tolerance with mercenaries

    Damascus, SANA- Videotapes which screen terrorists from European nationalities who belong to US and Gulf-backed terrorist organizations form a new evidence that these organizations depend on the West youths to …

  • 19 August

    Army advances towards Atman in Daraa province, terrorists start panicking and exchanging accusations

    Daraa, SANA -As the Syrian Arab Army makes steady progress in the town of Atman in Daraa countryside, the delusions of the terrorists who though that the town would serve …

  • 19 August

    Yarmouk Camp… constant efforts to alleviate the suffering of its terrorism-stricken inhabitants

    Damascus, SANA – As if it was not enough for the Palestinian refugees living in Yarmouk camp, a neighborhood in the south of the Syrian capital Damascus, to be away …

  • 17 August

    Al-Nadara valley, a magnificent site narrating Syria’s deep-rooted history

    Homs, SANA – Syria has always been famous for its marvelous geographical and archaeological sites which spread across the country telling wonderful stories from its deep-rooted history. One such site …

  • 17 August

    Azm Palace, a masterpiece of Damascene architecture

    Damascus, SANA – The Azm Palace is one of the most important historical structures in Damascus, representing one of the finest examples of Damascene and Islamic architecture in the city. …

  • 15 August

    A hundred and thirty days of valiance and sacrifices leading to victory in al-Mleiha

    Al-Mleiha, Damascus Countryside, SANA – “Victory is nice,” followed by a smile, were the words uttered by the field commander accompanying us to the town of-Mleiha in Damascus Countryside. Quiet …

  • 15 August

    Israeli occupation continues to treat terrorists injured in Syria under humanitarian pretenses

    Damascus, SANA – It’s not an uncommon thing to read news in the Israeli occupation’s media on the treatment of members of terrorist organizations who had been injured in Syria, …