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Reality of Events

September, 2014

  • 10 September

    Army restores security and stability to several villages and towns in the northern countryside of Hama

    Hama, SANA  Army units, in cooperation with national defense forces, restored security and stability to the villages and towns of Arza, Khattab, Kherbet al-Hejameh, Belhussein, al-Kssei’iyeh, Shar’aya and Tal al-Samsam …

  • 10 September

    The Army destroys a net of tunnels in Joubar, kills many terrorists in Lattakia countryside

    Provinces, SANA – Army units tightened grip on terrorists Tuesday, carrying out large-scaled operations against their hideouts and gatherings in several areas around the country. A Military source told SANA …

  • 9 September

    174 wanted persons turn themselves in to authorities in different cities

    Damascus, SANA-174 wanted persons in Damascus and its countryside, Lattakia, Hama, Homs, Aleppo, Deir Ezzor and Hasaka turn themselves in to the authorities on Tuesday to have their cases settled. …

  • 9 September

    Five civilians killed, 22 others wounded in terrorist mortar attacks on Damascus and its countryside

    Damascus, SANA – Three civilians were killed, including a little girl, and seven others were injured in terrorist mortar attacks on Jaramana city in Damascus Countryside. A source at Police …

  • 8 September

    1043 gunmen from Daraa, 18 from Idleb, 32 from Quneitra have their legal status settled

    Daraa, SANA –1043 wanted people from the southern province of Daraa of those who got involved in the recent events in the country or who haven’t joined the military service …

  • 8 September

    The Army advances in Joubar, targets a training camp for ISIS terrorists in Raqqa

    Provinces, SANA – Units of the armed forces on Monday continued to launch large-scale operations against terrorists, inflicting heavy losses upon them in many areas across the country. A Military …

  • 7 September

    Terrorist attacks claim lives of three citizens in Hama and Damascus Countryside

    Provinces, SANA- Terrorists fired rocket and mortar shells on al-Azeziyeh and al-Bahsa towns in al-Sqailbiyeh area in Hama countryside, claiming the lives of two citizens and injuring 9 others. A …

  • 7 September

    The Army kills more terrorists in many areas across the country

    Provinces, SANA –More terrorists were killed in large-scale military operations launched on Sunday against armed terrorist organizations in several areas around the country. Units of the armed forces continued their …

  • 6 September

    190 wanted persons from Damascus and its countryside turn themselves in to authorities

    Provinces, SANA – 190 wanted gunmen from Damascus and its countryside handed over themselves and their weapons to authorities on Saturday. The files of the gunmen will be settled after …

  • 6 September

    Terrorist rocket attacks in Aleppo, Damascus and its countryside claim a life, cause injuries and massive material damage

    Provinces, SANA – A civilian was killed and ten others were injured by terrorists rockets on Aleppo city on Saturday. A source at Aleppo Police Command  told SANA reporter that …