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Photo Reports

June, 2014

  • 2 June

    International markets open to Syrian olive oil…photo report

    Damascus, (SANA)- The International Olive Council has agreed not to regard the issue of the high delta-7-stigmasterol value in the Syrian olive oil as a problem anymore, which will qualify …

  • 2 June

    On 68th anniversary of Independence, Syrians committed to sovereignty and independence

    Damascus, SANA, On the 68th anniversary of Independence Day, Syrian people complete a struggle story which has begun since tens of decades, reject occupation or any attempt of division and …

  • 2 June

    Al-Salhyia Market in Damascus… a tourist landmark depicting damascene life

    Damascus, (SANA) – Al-Salhyia Market is a commercial hub and a tourist destination for Syrians and foreigners that is still vibrant today.