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Photo Reports

November, 2014

  • 15 November

    Martyrs Monument in Beit al-Wadi in Hama Countryside

  • 15 November

    4th Asian Beach Games officially open with the participation of Syria

  • 13 November

    A sit-in near the US Embassy in Sofia in denunciation of Washington hostile policy towards Syria

  • 12 November

    An Eye on Syria… an art exhibition in Damascus

  • 11 November

    Old Damascus alleys

  • 10 November

    Second phase of the Syrian Science Olympiad starts

  • 9 November

    Second phase of the Syrian Science Olympiad starts

    With the participation of 17,124 students who were qualified in the finals of the high schools in all provinces, the second phase of the Syrian Science Olympiad started on the …

  • 8 November

    School Sciences Museum in Damascus

  • 7 November

    With 80 participant children…an exhibition of 250 artistic works in Sweida

August, 2014

  • 1 August

    Syrian army on its foundation anniversary: Determination to rout terrorism-Photo report

    Damascus, SANA-The Syrian army, which is celebrating the 69th anniversary of is foundation,  is fighting a war against takfiri terrorism, making big strides towards a decisive victory and aborting seditious …